Thursday, February 17, 2011


On Tuesday last week I found myself feeling a lot of heartache...and stomachache. In a word, flu. The stomach flu to be precise. I truly cannot remember the last time I felt that sick. The funny thing is that, in general, I have a high tolerance for pain. Nausea, however, turns me into a big baby. A really, big baby. I DESPISE feeling nauseated. My own kiddos got to see me crying, and moaning, and well, you get the picture. Fun times, let me tell ya. But I was telling you about my heartache.

While I lay in bed with Kahmylia, (oh by the way, she was sick too) Harry picked up my work load. For those of you who don’t know, Harry separated his shoulder and bruised his clavicle a few weeks ago. He has been wearing a sling on his right arm to keep him from using it... Needless to say, he has been in incredible pain. And he took his sling off so he could take care of Quint. He read books, played Wii, cooked meals, cleaned the kitchen, made countless trips up and down the stairs to the sick room to bring 7up and crackers, and was pretty much a superhero. Of course, staying home to care for four people meant he had to try to work from home. I think you can all figure out how that turned out. My heart just ached for him because by the end of the day he was frustrated, tired, and in soooo much pain. I wanted to get up and help him, especially when I heard Quint screaming and crying, but I just didn’t have the strength to move. It’s ironic because a part of me hated that Harry had to sacrifice for us, but it was through that same sacrifice that I saw how much he loves and cares for our little family.

Sacrifice...what a beautiful ache.

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