So, I've been poking around some blogs lately. And I've discovered that I have blog envy. This is part of the reason why I have so much trouble keeping up with my blog. I want to have a really cool, important blog, but I don't think I always have really cool, important things to write-- or really impressive photography to illustrate it.
So this is my response. To myself.
The way I figure it, the people who read my blog want to know about ME. And I want to share about ME. I'm not going to blog about things that I know nothing about. And I'm not going to present myself as someone I'm not.
So here are the facts. (I am very factual.)
I'm kinda scattered. (This drives Harry batty. Sorry, Babe.) I'm always gonna have trouble keeping up with my keys...and my cell phone...oh, and my glasses.
I'm not given to routine. My family does not eat meals at the same time every day. I don't shower at the same time everyday. After a year of effort, school is finally starting to look like something that resembles routine. After a year.
I am not a photographer. This is not my fault.
These things make blogging a bit of a challenge.
But I do have some things going for me. : 0 More facts about me.
I am very creative. I crochet, sew, decorate, sing, garden, craft, and I like to dabble in whatever else catches my fancy.
I am always cooking. I need people to love my food- and they usually do. ; )
I am a follower of Christ. My faith walk is simple, but not easy; requires much sacrifice, but is so worth it.
So there you have it. These are some of things I'll be blogging about. Illustrated with not so great pictures from my camera phone. And sometimes, if you're lucky, Harry will take some pictures for me with his fancy, shmancy camera and help me post them.
But for tonight, I'll leave you with a simple recipe with a mediocre picture of a very cute human subject and a very delicious food subject!
Two ways to make Acorn Squash
Acorn Squash
This recipe is so delicious and so simple and my kids love it. Triple bonus points for the kid love!
Step 1: Cut acorn squash in half.
Step 2: Scoop out the guts and seeds and throw them out.
Step 3: Smear butter all over the inside and sprinkle with cinnamon. (You can add a little brown sugar if you really like it sweet, but I and the kids find that the squash is sweet enough.)
Step 4: Bake at 400 degrees F until tender (about 30-45 mins).
Eat warm! Super yummy!
Now, you can see from the photo that I made half of the squash with just butter. Another thing you can do with this squash is stuff it! Fill up that little squash half with rice or fried cabbage and ground turkey (an Eva original I will be posting later), and you can make a whole meal out of a $2 squash!
Step 5: Make a filling as simple as buttered rice to stuff your acorn squash.
There you have it!

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