Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pressed for time

I don't really have the time for a good post right now. The problem is, if I wait to find a good time, well, you can see that I haven't blogged in a month. So, I just want to take the time to say, "Hello, everyone!" It's been a while. I have a lot of post ideas from the last month. I will get around to posting them soon. But now, I must go because Quint is eating paper.

Much love,



  1. I understand being pressed for time! I'm so glad to "meet" you though! Thank you for visiting MomLife Today! Have a blessed day!

  2. That was an accomplishment just getting that post up, Eva! Go you! I see you're a fairly new blogger. So am I! Let's keep in touch!

  3. Thanks for the encouragement ladies! I truly appreciate it.
