Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Quirky things about Me

So tonight I thought I would share some things about myself that some of you may not know about me.

I like to crochet--a lot. My grandmother taught me a few basic stitches and the rest is history. I have never followed a pattern, but I've crocheted scarves, blankets, skirts, shawls, pot holders, curtains, anything I can think to crochet. Someday I plan to learn how to read patterns.

I breastfeed, use cloth diapers, and make my own organic baby food. I did this with all three of my kids. I didn't use cloth diapers exclusively with the girls the way I do now, but I think it still counts. ;)

I was a piano major for three years.

My childhood nickname was Evie. Also, my name is Spanish. Eva is the Spanish name for Eve. I have no idea why Eva is so difficult to pronounce or why people feel the need to tell me that I'm mispronouncing my own name.

I feel the need to keep things that are not recyclable instead of throwing them away. I feel a twinge of guilt every time I put something plastic in the trash.

I have uncontrollable empathy. I frequently feel physical sensations of embarrassment when I watch television or movies. Many times I just change the channel or get up and walk away.

Well, there is a lot more to be told, but I will save it for another night!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sweet Potato Cinnamon French Toast

I made this recipe up last week, and I have to tell you... it was DELICIOUS. Seriously. So I must share. Now, if you read my last recipe, you know that I have trouble with measuring and following directions. So bear with me; these are just estimations. But I highly doubt you could mess this up if you've made French Toast before.


1/2 of a large baked sweet potato
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 tbsp (or so) of sugar and cinnamon mixed together
2 large eggs
1 1/2 milk (you can always a little more if needed)
bread ( I used Trader Joe's Organic Oatmeal Multigrain Bread)
maple syrup


Take the sweet potato (peeled of course), applesauce, and sugar/cinnamon mixture and mash it and mix it together. In a separate bowl, beat two eggs. Add milk and sweet potato mixture. Mix together until combined. At this point, you will want to warm your skillet on medium heat. I personally don't like cooking spray so I use butter. I put enough butter in the pan to coat it. Be careful not to let the butter burn. Take a slice of bread and dip it in the egg mixture, covering both sides. Place the bread in the pan and cook on both sides. Serve with a sprinkle of powdered sugar and drizzle some maple syrup over the top. So good!

Tips and Tricks:

I mix ground cinnamon and sugar in a spice container so I can just sprinkle some on my food when the desire strikes me. Very handy.

I use a pastry cutter to mash things with-avocados for guacamole, bananas for bread, etc. You get the picture.

The trick to this recipe is to find just the right temperature. If it is too hot, it will burn the egg coating and leave the middle of the bread too soggy. Not hot enough, and you end up standing there for 5 minutes, spatula in hand, wondering if they're ever gonna cook (my family isn't patient enough for this scenario).

Hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we did!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pressed for time

I don't really have the time for a good post right now. The problem is, if I wait to find a good time, well, you can see that I haven't blogged in a month. So, I just want to take the time to say, "Hello, everyone!" It's been a while. I have a lot of post ideas from the last month. I will get around to posting them soon. But now, I must go because Quint is eating paper.

Much love,
