Friday, January 28, 2011

Food, glorious food!

Wow!  It’s been a crazy week!  I’ve found it hard just to keep my head above water.  I’ve been doing a lot of grocery shopping this week, trying to stock up my pantry so I’m not running to the store every other day.  Correction:  So I’m not sending Harry to the store every other day.  Let’s be truthful now.  Anyway, this little project involves cleaning out the pantry and a closet and my kitchen cabinets, blah, blah, blah.  I am now working on my menu for the month of February, which I will be posting as soon as I get it done.  I have recently found that having a menu saves me a lot of time during the day because I don’t have to figure out what to cook.  This makes sense, since I spend ridiculous amounts of time preparing food, cooking food, serving food, and cleaning up food.  By the time I'm done cleaning up the food, it's time to start preparing food again!  But I digress.  I don’t make an exact menu, but I do make a general plan for the month, and then I post it on the refrigerator.  Now if only I were this organized with the homeschooling planning...  Ah well, one thing at a time I suppose.  Actually, brief side note, I won’t be blogging about homeschooling here, but if you want to read about that you can check out Walking with the Walls, our new family blog.  So, back to the subject.  I was thinking of doing a Mexican food theme for the month (which would translate to Mexican inspired dishes two to three times a week).  While I’m putting together my menu, does anyone have any fabulous recipe ideas to contribute?  Extra points if they are healthy!

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