Thursday, November 1, 2012

Birthday Girl!

Halloween is a always a fun day for us, particularly because it is our oldest child's birthday. We had to reinvent our traditions a little because we moved to a new state and all...  Fortunately for us we are always involved with a church who does a big Halloween outreach event, so we have built in entertainment. : )
And this year was no different!  So the staff at Bridges decided that all the pastors should be superheroes this year.  Harry was chosen to be the Incredible Hulk, which basically meant that I had to magically transform him into a green monster on a very slim budget.  And I am happy to report, I DID IT!!!!  And here are the results of my efforts:

The Incredible Hulk-
1 long sleeve green t-shirt turned inside out to hide the graphics- $9.88 at Walmart
1 tube of green body paint- $2.49 at the Spirit of Halloween
1 halloween make up palette- $2.97 at Walmart
1 old t-shirt- FREE
Grand total- $15.34

Incredible Hulk!

Beautiful Mermaid-
1 costume gift from a friend- Free
Mama's make-up donations- Free

Butterfly Fairy-
1 shirt from the closet- Free
1 skirt- $4 at St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
Mama's make-up donations- Free

Butterfly Fairy and Beautiful Mermaid

Sweet Little Pumpkin-
Pumpkin Costume- $2 purchased 2 years ago at a consignment sale

Sweet Little Pumpkin

Alas, there was little time left for me!  So I went as a Mexican girl.  Pretty much like going as myself!  I bought this dress for my tenth birthday in Venezuela.  And it still fits!  

Mexican Girl

Not bad for $21.34!

Happy Halloween!!!